Pierre Gholam
Cleveland, OH, USA
Directs the NCI-designated Case Comprehensive Cancer Center Multidisciplinary Hepatobiliary Tumor Board where cases of benign and malignant liver lesions including HCC and cholangiocarcinoma are discussed in a collaborative manner and consensus recommendations for a plan of care or referral to appropriate clinical trials are made.
Directs the UH Liver Disease Center. The center’s research portfolio is diverse and ranges from NIH/NIAAA-funded research on the natural history of alcoholic liver disease and alcoholic hepatitis to investigation of first line, second line and adjuvant therapies for HCC to novel treatments for HBV infection and complications of portal hypertension.
The current research focus is on investigating novel treatments for NAFLD. We are conducting phase 1/3 clinical trials with extensive first-in-human and early phase expertise at the NIH-funded Dahms Clinical Research Unit.
In clinical practice, Dr. Gholam dedicates a significant part of his effort to caring for persons who need or receive a liver transplant. He treats complications of portal hypertension and advanced liver disease. He also has a special interest in rare liver diseases with significant unmet need such as inherited cholestatic disorders and glycogen storage diseases.